Plan options
Employees with Blue Preferred Plus
If you're an employee with a Blue Preferred Plus plan, keep in mind this plan isn't available for re-enrollment.
You can keep your plan, but if you sign up for a different offering, you can't re-enroll in Blue Preferred Plus.
You can compare Blue Preferred Plus Benefits at a Glance (PDF) to the newer plan offerings.
Find care whenever you need it
When you have a minor illness, like a cold or pink eye, we offer the convenience of Virtual Care by Teladoc Health®.
You can talk to a U.S. board-certified doctor from your phone, tablet or computer anytime. The cost is often the same as an office visit copay or less, and the average wait time is only 10 minutes.
Discover discounts to stay healthy
As a Blue Cross member, you get exclusive discounts on different ways to stay healthy.
You can save on gym memberships, fitness equipment, healthy food and more.
Need help?
Call Benefit Connect for questions regarding your eligibility and benefits: