COVID Vaccines

While the COVID-19 public health emergency has ended, new variants of the virus continue to emerge. Receive an updated vaccine to prevent against a severe case of COVID-19.

Woman getting vaccinated

CDC vaccine recommendations

The CDC recommends the 2023-24 updated COVID-19 vaccines for everyone ages 5 and older. People who are moderately or severely immunocompromised can receive additional doses.

For children, the recommendation differs. Children from six months to 4 years old will need multiple doses of COVID-19 vaccines to be up-to-date, including at least one dose of the updated COVID-19 vaccine. You can discuss any concerns with your health care provider.

For Medicare Advantage members, the cost of COVID-19 vaccines and their administration is covered at 100% in-network.

Log into your account and search for immunizations or diagnostic testing to see if you're covered. You can also call the number on the back of your card or download the app.

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COVID-19 Diagnostic testing

If you get a diagnostic COVID-19 test through a health care provider, testing facility or lab, you’ll pay the standard copay and deductible under your medical benefit. This includes any out-of-network health care provider charges. Blue Cross doesn’t cover the costs of testing for employment, travel or participants in school and sports.

COVID-19 tests are subject to normal copays, coinsurance and deductibles as indicated in current year benefits.

COVID-19 Diagnostic testing

If you get a diagnostic COVID-19 test through a health care provider, testing facility or lab, you’ll pay the standard copay and deductible under your medical benefit. This includes any out-of-network health care provider charges. Blue Cross doesn’t cover the costs of testing for employment, travel or participants in school and sports.

COVID-19 tests are subject to normal copays, coinsurance and deductibles as indicated in current year benefits.