How Can I Get My Medicare Prescriptions Filled While Traveling?

No matter how well you plan for a trip, you never know when you'll need to get a prescription filled. The good news is there are ways to get your prescriptions filled when you're traveling.

Traveling in the U.S.

Getting your prescriptions filled when traveling within the U.S. is easy. You can use any pharmacy in our network. Most chain pharmacies are in our network. 

You can find a pharmacy in our network near you by using the Find a Pharmacy tool.

Or,  when you go to a pharmacy, show them your member ID card, and ask if you're covered.

Traveling outside of the U.S.

We don't cover prescription drugs you get at pharmacies outside of the U.S.

That's why it is important to plan ahead. Be sure to bring enough medications to last until you return home when traveling abroad.

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