Provider Manuals

Our manuals can help you with billing, patient benefits, eligibility and other insurance topics.

How to access

For Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan commercial plans, including PPO:

  1. Log in at*
  2. Select Payer Spaces in the top navigation
  3. Select the BCBSM and BCN logo
  4. Select the Resources tab
  5. Select Provider Manuals
  6. Select Blue Cross commercial


For Blue Care Network commercial and BCN Advantage, including HMO and HMO-POS:

  1. Log in at*
  2. Select Payer Spaces in the top navigation
  3. Select the BCBSM and BCN logo
  4. Select the Resources tab
  5. Select Provider Manuals
  6. Select BCN commercial and BCN AdvantageSM

Still have questions?

Whether you need help filing a claim or checking your patient's benefits, we can connect you with the right contact.