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December 2021

Services related to complementary and alternative therapies aren’t covered benefits

The use of complementary or alternative therapies, practices, medicine or supplements that aren’t supported by valid scientific studies is considered experimental. When there’s insufficient evidence in the current medical literature to show that these approaches are safe or as beneficial as the current standard of care, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan doesn’t cover them.

Ancillary services, such as visits, imaging and testing, that are performed primarily to facilitate the delivery of an unproven or experimental service are also considered experimental in nature and aren’t a covered benefit. The effective date for this policy is Nov. 1, 2021.

“Alternative medicine” is a term that describes a broad range of treatments and practices that are used in place of traditional therapies. “Complementary medicine” is a term that describes treatments and practices that are used in conjunction with traditional therapies.

Other terms used to describe such practices include functional, integrative, herbalism, homeopathy, holistic, unconventional, nonconventional, nontraditional, new age and natural. “Traditional medicine” refers to the standard of practice that’s widely used by the medical community and has been proven safe and efficient.

Types of complementary and alternative medicine that lack evidence-based, clinical-decision support

Type of complementary or alternative medicine Description
Active release technique Relief of tissue tension using a soft tissue method (manipulation and movement) to remove fibrosis or adhesions
Acupressure Using fingers to apply steady force on specific pressure points to mobilize chi or life force energy to aid in healing
Applied kinesiology Belief that various muscles are linked to internal organs and glands. Evaluates structural, chemical and mental aspects of health using manual muscle testing.
Aromatherapy Uses natural plant extracts topically or through inhalation to promote health and well-being
Art therapy (color, light, music) Clinical use of expressive art forms to promote optimal functioning of physical and emotional health
Ayurveda Prevention and maintenance of health through balance of thinking, diet, lifestyle and the use of herbs

Biofield therapeutics  

  1. Healing touch
  2. Pranic healing
  3. Reiki or Qigong
  4. Biofield tuning
  5. Regenetics method

Noninvasive therapy that stimulates healing by the practitioner interacting with a client’s field of energy

  1. Energy therapy where practitioners use their hands in a heart-centered way to support and facilitate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health
  2. No-touch energy healing that focuses on the 11 major chakras in the body and uses the body’s inborn ability to heal itself
  3. Palm/hands-on healing is used to transfer a universal energy through the palms of the hands of the practitioner to the individual to promote emotional or physical healing.
  4. Use of a tuning fork to scan for resistance and turbulence in an individual’s energy field. The body’s organization energy uses the coherent vibrational frequency of the tuning fork to “tune” itself.
  5. Utilizes intention and vowel sounds at specific frequencies to activate a systematic “biofield cleanse,” clearing out distortions within one's biofield that may be negatively impacting physical, emotional and mental health
Coffee enema Detoxes the liver by absorbing the coffee enema through the venous system in the lower part of the colon. The liver is stimulated to produce more bile and in turn flushes out toxins
Combined electrochemical therapy High-frequency electrical stimulation and peripheral nerve block purported to treat peripheral neuropathy by first injecting the peripheral nerve with a local anesthetic, then ”nutraceuticals” (mostly vitamins), followed by a high-frequency electrical stimulation. The techniques are purported to treat peripheral neuropathy.
Crystal healing Proponents of this technique believe that crystals act as conduits for healing. Positive, healing energy flows into the body as negative, disease-causing energy flows out. 
Cupping Special cups are placed on the skin to create suction for the purpose of helping with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation, well-being and as a type of deep tissue massage.
Dry hydrotherapy Treatment that uses heated water in a self-contained device, such as a table or chair. The water circulates around the individual in a massaging or pulsing manner (for example, aqua massage).
DUTCH testing Dried urine test for comprehensive hormones, or DUTCH, involves the collection of a small amount of urine on filtered paper one to four times a day. Mapping of hormone metabolites (cortisol, cortisone, estradiol, estrone, estriol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and melatonin) of the adrenal glands, sex hormones and melatonin is used to treat a multitude of aliments.

The ailments include sleep issues, fertility problems, stress, fatigue, decreased muscle mass or bone density, aching joints, loss of libido, lowered immunity, endometriosis, PMS, painful periods and fibrous breasts. And DUTCH is used in an attempt to lower the risk of estrogen-dominant cancers, such as breast, cervical and uterine.
Ear candling Ear candles are hollow cone candles made of wax-covered fabric. The pointed end is placed in the ear while the other end is lit. The warm “suction” is believed to remove earwax, improve hearing and treat conditions such as sinus infections and colds.
Full body hyperthermia Systemically targets abnormal cells and pathogens by raising the temperature of the entire body. The patient’s body temperature is raised to 102° - 104°F.
Functional intracellular analysis Evaluates and leverages an individual’s interaction between nutrients and their genes, pathophysiology and biochemistry to optimize function
Gc-MAF Gc protein (known as vitamin D(3)-binding protein) is the precursor for the principle macrophage-activating factor, or MAF, and is used on the theory that it has various functions as an immune modulator. Gc-MAF is injected into the body to encourage macrophage activation, anti-angiogenic activity and anti-tumor activity.
Guided imagery Mental images are used to stimulate or re-create the sensory perception of sights, sounds, tastes, smells, movements and images associated with touch.
Hair analysis Used to identify or monitor trace minerals or toxins in the body
High-dose vitamin C May decrease cell proliferation in a variety of cancer cell lines, such as prostate, pancreatic, hepatocellular, colon, mesothelioma and neuroblastoma
Homeopathy Whole-body approach where products come from plants, minerals or animals
Hydrogen peroxide therapy Intravenously used to treat ailments such as cold, flu and sinus infections
Hypnosis Uses the power of suggestion to promote recovery of suppressed memories or to encourage behavior modification
Immunoimagery Consists of guided imagery, deep relaxation exercises, visualization videos or audio stimulation to promote healing from within using the mind-body connection to stimulate the immune system

Intravenous therapies    

  1. Antioxidant
  2. Micronutrient
  3. Phospholipids
  1. Ingredients thought to counteract the effects of free radicals. Free radicals are substances that cause oxidative stress, which may contribute to aging and certain diseases.
  2. Minerals, trace elements, amino acids, vitamins and fatty acids used to improve the physical and mental performance into old age. Also a popular approach to treat fibromyalgia.
  3. Series of infusions containing phospholipids, glutathione (an intracellular antioxidant) folic acid and vitamin B12, usually given weekly.
Inversion therapy Suspends the individual upside down to stretch the spine and relieve back pain
Laetrile Drug that contains purified amygdalin — a compound found in the seeds or kernels of many fruits, raw nuts, beans and other plant foods. It’s converted by the body into hydrogen cyanide, which is believed to be a source of anticancer effects.
Magnet therapy Uses static magnets to alleviate pain and other health concerns
Meridian therapy Includes specialized tools, which stroke the skin in the direction of the flow of blood and lymph. This aims to improve circulation, remove toxins, lift sagging facial contours, minimize fine lines and wrinkles, and improve radiance.
Myotherapy Assess, treats and manages pain associated with soft tissue injury and restricted joint mobility caused by muscle or myofascia dysfunction. It uses therapies that include muscle stretching, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, passive stretching, dry needling, cupping, acupressure and muscle energy techniques.
Naprapathic medicine Naprapathic manipulation, use of heat, cold, light, water, radiant energy electricity, sound, air or other adjunctive therapies, focusing on the soft tissues (muscle, fascia) to treat connective tissue disorders
Naturopathy System that rejects the use of medications and is based on the theory that diseases can be successfully treated or prevented through diet, exercise and massage
Near infrared lamp therapy Uses light wavelengths to aid in detoxification, deep tissue healing and pain or inflammation relief. Indicated to destabilize cancer cells and aid in the process of cancer cell destruction.
Over-the-counter biologics Products that are produced from living organisms or contain components of living organisms (for example: glucosamide, coenzyme Q10, fish oil)
Ozone therapy Process of administering ozone gas into your body to treat a disease or wound. Used to treat medical conditions by stimulating the immune system or to disinfect and treat disease
Reflexology Based on theory that areas of the feet, hands and ears are connected to certain body parts and systems. Applying pressure to specific areas is believed to offer a range of health benefits.
Rolfing Technique that involves the manipulation of the fascia and soft tissue to create better alignment and balance in the body
Traumeel Used for temporary relief of minor muscle and joint aches caused by strains, sprains and bruising by reducing inflammation. Traumeel is a nonstandardized compounded substance that is available topically, orally and by injection.
Ultraviolet blood transfusion Exposure of the blood to light to heighten the body’s immune response and to kill infections
Visceral massage Gentle manual therapy technique that assesses the relationship between the body’s organs (for example, the bladder, bowel or uterus) and other structures, such as muscles, fascia, ligaments and joints

None of the information included in this article is intended to be legal advice and, as such, it remains the provider’s responsibility to ensure that all coding and documentation are done in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations.

No portion of this publication may be copied without the express written permission of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, except that BCBSM participating health care providers may make copies for their personal use. In no event may any portion of this publication be copied or reprinted and used for commercial purposes by any party other than BCBSM.

*CPT copyright 2020 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. CPT® is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.